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Boox Nova 3 Color vs PocketBook Inkpad Color -Specs Comparison

The table below shows the differences in specs between the Onyx Boox Nova 3 Color and the Pocketbook Inkpad Color

Both the Nova 3 Color and the Inkpad Color has a 7.8″ e-ink color screen (they both use Kaleido 2 technology but Boox’s is called Kaleido Plus which is a customized version for the Nova 3 Color) but they’re built for different purposes and your buying choice should reflect what you need one for.

If you’re going to mostly use it for reading books, comics, and manga with some light note-taking and drawing then the Inkpad Color is the device for you. (The InkPad Color doesn’t have a Wacom layer but you can draw and write notes on it using a stylus and yes it does have a notes/drawing app). It’s cheaper and also much lighter than the Nova making it easier to hold when reading.

On other hand, if besides reading, you’re going to be doing a lot of note-taking on a regular basis like for school or office work then the Nova is the better choice. Same if you wanna use certain apps like Twitter, Tachiyomi, Reddit, or even Youtube to watch videos every now and then – the Nova will be able to do all this since its in an open Android ecosystem with Google Play support which means you can install any type of apps you desire. You can basically use it as a regular android tablet -albeit with some limitations because of the eink screen.

Having said that if you want something that you can use like a real tablet but without the eyestrain then I’d suggest you wait for the TCL NxtPaper which will be coming out in April this year. It uses RLCD instead of e-ink which means it’s fast like an LCD screen but without any backlight and with better battery consumption too. And yes it will be in color. The Hisense Q5 uses RLCD too but it’s in B/W.

2 thoughts on “Boox Nova 3 Color vs PocketBook Inkpad Color -Specs Comparison”

  1. small correction: The ink pad color has front light just as the nova 3 color. at least in europe you can get it for 270 eur, which is approx. 100 eur less than the nova. it’s still a bit sluggish (even after the first fw update) but still nice. the nova is faster due to 3gb ram and an octacore cpu. if you want to take notes, go with the nova. if you’re happy with reading books and mangas, the ink pad is totally sufficient.


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